
Russell Stutely – 5 Second Massacre 6 DVD Set

Russell Stutely - 5 Second Massacre 6 DVD Set

Russell Stutely – 5 Second Massacre 6 DVD Set

Original price was: $60.Current price is: $22.

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Original price was: $60.Current price is: $22.

Delivery Method: Digital download is available after purchase, and you can access your courses anytime, anywhere, using a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

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Russell Stutely – 5 Second Massacre 6 DVD Set

Dear Fellow Martial Artist and Self Defense Enthusiast,

What you are about to witness is the Zenith of Self Protection.

This is mad, bad and low down dirty.

I am ok to teach GOVERNMENT controlled forces… but when it comes to helping the likes of you and me save lives… Your Government controlled forces do not want to know!

I am not a criminal, I have no criminal record. I am not affiliated with nor do I sympathize with any terrorist organization.

I am all for law and order, respect for authority, and equal rights.

I’m a well-known and respected Martial Arts Master Instructor to Champion Fighters, Martial Arts School Owners, Law Enforcement, Military, and Civilians. I have multiple Black Belts and Awards and Recognitions.

I’ve won the SENI Award (Europe’s Award for Bestselling DVD), and I’m in the Combat Hall of Fame and World Martial Arts Hall of Fame.

I tell you this so that you know I am on the level.

Every human being has the right to defend themselves from imminent physical harm.

It’s Not Only An American Right, It’s A Human Right.

But for some reason, the US State Department did not want me in the U.S. teaching my material to NON-Governmental controlled Forces – i.e Civilians / Martial Artists.

Without explanation, they denied me travel to the U.S. to teach.

I don’t follow politics much, but isn’t the State Department under the same Administration that’s buying up all the ammunition, leaving little available to citizens?

The same administration that uses “drone strikes” to kill civilians?

I don’t like the sound of that.

And I bet you don’t either!

Listen – As a world-recognized Master Instructor in Combatives, training the Military and Law Enforcement officers is a regular part of my job.

The countless fine men and women I’ve met and had the honor to train are upstanding soldiers / officers whose sincere desire is clearly to Protect and Serve their Nation and their people.

However, I Am Concerned – Concerned For You.

I am concerned for your safety, the safety of your loved ones, your freedoms and yes, ultimately your survival.

We all know about the new threats we are facing.

We all know that it is a matter of ”when / not if” the proverbial hits the fan.

It is only my opinion, but this is why I think I am being restricted by the US Government.

They (and other Governments) do not want you and me to be ”able” to take matters into our own hands, when the need arises.

They only want their own Controlled forces to do that.

Well I Say – To Hell With That… By The Time They Arrive On The Scene It Will Be Too Late.

We need to know how to INSTANTLY react and INSTANTLY defend ourselves and our Families.

911 and waiting for hours does not cut the mustard with me.

This is the reason I went ”walkabout” ”off the radar” or as Ian G of NAP fame put it… has he gone mad?

Quite the contrary is the case.

As the leading Pressure Point Coach….

  • It is my job to ensure that I stay ahead of the pack so as to speak.
  • I have to make sure that I am teaching the VERY BEST methods and applications that I can.
  • I have to make sure that the material is the best it can possibly be.
  • I have to make sure that YOU are able to protect yourself and your family

To this end I have created…

Salepage: https://learnpressurepointfighting.com/digital-dvd-products/5-second-massacre/



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