
Kim Anami – Sexual Mastery for Men – Challenge Week 1

Kim Anami – Sexual Mastery for Men – Challenge Week 1

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Kim Anami – Sexual Mastery for Men – Challenge Week 1
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 Kim Anami - Sexual Mastery for Men - Challenge Week 1

Kim Anami – Sexual Mastery for Men – Challenge Week 1

Sexual Mastery For Men “Sex gets better each time. His stamina is up, and we can have sex for three hours straight no problem…I am feeling so well-f**ked, it’s crazy. I feel completely insatiable. Is that normal?”

~ Marta, well-f**ked wife of supercock

Dear Friend,

As a woman, a lover, and a sex coach, I see very few men who are masters of their sexuality..

Are you?

When you initiate sex, does she shut you down?

Do you ever get the sense that she’s not “with you” during sex?

When you’ve finished having sex, do you sometimes feel like you could have done more for her?

Has she stopped initiating sex with you? Do your sexual encounters frequently last less than 15 minutes… including foreplay and afterplay?

Have you ever heard rumors of men who could have marathon sex for hours and hours, including having multiple, body-shaking orgasms… and wondered how they do it (and if it’s possible for you to learn?)

Do you want to finish making love to your woman and KNOW, beyond any doubt, that she’s satisfied mentally, emotionally AND physically… that she’s been well-f**ked and you’re the one who got her there?

The truth is that most men are underperforming in life and in bed. Are you a sexually masterful man?

Take this quiz and discover the truth.
25 Signs you may lack sexual mastery

You have no orgasmic control and often go “over the edge” in a split second
Your woman rarely—or never—initiates sex with you
You feel tired after sex or masturbation and often need a nap to recover
You have sex less than once a week
Be honest: the main goal in sex or masturbation is orgasm
You have a stronger relationship with porn than with a woman
You feel a separation between your genitals and your heart
Your woman always has excuses about why she can’t have sex with you
You and your intimate partner are more “buddies” than “lovers”
You have less than 30 minutes of foreplay in a sexual encounter
You have difficulty sustaining an erection
You feel you are walking on eggshells in your relationship
Sex feels routine and mechanical. Stale. Nothing new.
You feel like you have to hide your “dark side” from your woman
Reading 50 Shades of Grey is your woman’s go-to arousal method
Intercourse lasts less than 15 minutes
You are working in a job that “pays the bills” rather than reflects your life purpose
Your libido is low
You and your partner spend more time watching TV than having sex
Your woman derives more sexual satisfaction from her vibrator than from you
Your woman “wears the pants” in the family
Your sexual relationship is at the bottom of your list of priorities: after children, work, chores and social engagements
You avoid emotional discussions with your partner because it usually leads to an explosion (and not the good kind)
Financially, you get by, but true abundance eludes you
You’ve heard of these deeper, vaginal orgasms women can have, but your woman doesn’t get there

Your Score: 0
Scoring if you checked off


You may be decently Sexually Masterful. Good Job! Reading more is optional for you, though you know there is always more to learn.


Your lack of Sexual Mastery is having a negative impact on your existence. What would your life be like if you were willing to face this issue?


All parts of your life are being effected by your lack of sexual mastery. You are reaching the danger zone, you need help!


You’ve neglected this area of your life for too long and it shows. Drop everything, take 10 minutes to read this. Act now to master (and save) your life!
Here’s the thing: When your sex life is suffering,
the rest of your life is suffering.
When your woman is happy, you are happy.
This is an elemental truth that most men figure out early on.

Most men think the way to make women happy is to comply with all their wishes. To bow and murmur, “Yes, dear.”

Except that’s not what women want.

No woman wants a man who capitulates to her every whim.

Your woman wants you to stand firm and to penetrate her.

Or bend her over and penetrate her.

Or spread her open, slam her up against the wall, and penetrate her.

The possibilities/positions are endless.

And she wants them all.

Emotionally and sexually, she wants your strength.

If right now she doesn’t, it’s because she’s come to trust you less over time.

At some point, she was open to you, and then she closed off.

Without the right tools to open a woman and keep her open, she’ll shut down.

And her shutting down becomes incredibly taxing on you.

More than any other area in a person’s life, if their intimate life is thriving, it uplifts every other part of their lives.

On the other hand, if it’s stuck or in conflict, it drags everything else into it like a vortex. Your work suffers, your health suffers and your enjoyment of life declines.

It’s said that behind every good man is a woman.

Au contraire.

Behind every good woman, is a man, on his knees, ferociously thrusting and giving her everything he’s got.

It’s in your best interest to f**k your woman well.

On every level.

Emotionally, mentally and physically.

When you do, you’ll reap the benefits tenfold.

A juicy and succulent woman feeds a man.

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And you feed her.

I know. I’ve been there.

In my early sexual history, I had some experiences with men who didn’t prioritize sex and intimacy.

Often, these lovers struggled with premature ejaculation (and, in fact, became the inspiration to do much of the work that I do!).

“Chris” was one of these men.

On the surface, Chris looked successful. At a young age, he owned his own business and his own house. He had a thriving social life.

Sexually speaking though, Chris was quick to the draw. He felt embarrassed and was apologetic, but none of that changed the fact that he couldn’t last longer than five minutes during intercourse.

Chris was financially struggling. Things looked good on the outside, but he was in dire straights with income that was up and down. He was also stalled in his career.

He lived in fear of his ex-wife, who bullied him relentlessly.

Chris not fully inhabiting his sexuality, which meant he wasn’t fully inhabiting his life.

As a woman and his lover, I felt rejected and abandoned that he would bail out of the sexual act so quickly.

It was the equivalent of a sexual hit-and-run.

My frustration in bed led to me being frustrated with him in all sorts of other ways.

I became irritable and dismissive of him. I instinctively began to trust him less. I doubted his competence in other areas, because I doubted his competence in bed.

I see this all time: where women become dismissive and even scornful toward their partners.

The source is often the bedroom.

At that point in my life, I vowed that I would only be with men who wanted to be sexually masterful. Who were willing to put in the time and energy to do it.

It is absolutely essential for a man to develop sexual mastery if he wants to improve the quality of his intimate relationship.

And if he wants to improve the quality of his life.
The Sexual Superstar

Several years ago I had a 55-year-old lover. Sex and intimacy was a major priority for us. We had weekly 3-hour sex dates and sex weekends every few months.

He had more stamina than anyone else I’d ever been with.

A typical evening for us was to make love all night. We’d have brief power naps in between sexual positions.

He would have 8-10 orgasms in a night. Because he practiced Tantra, he could orgasm internally without ejaculating. (Yes, it’s possible for you too).

At 6am, he’d sprint off to his high-powered corporate job. He’d return in the evening and we’d do it all over again.

We slept little but felt totally rejuvenated.

That’s the power of really good sex.

My 55-year-old lover never took an ounce of Viagra.

He helmed one of the most successful companies in the country.

As our relationship progressed, his income increased and the quality of projects he took on became mammoth. His body became leaner (10 hours of sex will do that to a person) and he had the energy of a 25-year-old.

In every possible way.

He was masterful in bed, and out.

Because he had raging erections and perpetual stamina, he was able to f**k me open.

Our amazing sex life changed my life.

I felt seen, cherished and ravished.

As every good woman should.

I became softer, more feminine, more confident and radiant. Men would stop me on the street everywhere I went and hit on me.

I had more drive to achieve in my work and my creativity was off-the-charts.

His ability to go the distance allowed me to unfold into my true sexual and life potential.

A woman’s sexual work is cultivating a constant simmer—a warmth that allows her to be responsive anytime, anyplace.

A man’s sexual work is to build stamina. Sexually, and emotionally, you need to be able to go the distance.

When this happens, you’ll help eradicate your woman of FUKME: the dreadful disease of the undersexed woman.

The symptoms of this show up as anger, frustration, depression, sadness and lethargy.
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Here’s Supercock: Sexual Mastery for Men
An 8-week Virtual Salon To Harness Male Sexual Power and Rock Her World “Salons” are a tradition of learning that dates back centuries. In this modern-day version, you’ll receive pre-recorded HD videos, followed up by a live, interactive Q+A calls. In between, you’ll have “homeplay” assignments to flex your new sexual muscles. I’ll be there to troubleshoot with you every step of the way.


Foreplay and Arousal. Understanding the secret language of women. Clearing space for sex and intimacy. Communication as the great lubricating agent. .
plus How to get your woman wet before you even touch her
plus Remove the blocks that prevent you from coming together
plus To porn or not to porn? That is the question.
plus Porn weaning and recovery techniques for those who indulge too much
plus Tools to ignite her emotionally and physically
plus Release past experiences that impair intimacy today
plus The art of energizing masturbation: how to do it better.

Salon released: September 19th
Q+A call: September 25, 5pm


Stamina: You, too, Can F**k Like Sting! Physical and emotional staying power. How to last for hours in bed and penetrate your woman emotionally
plus The number one reason for premature ejaculation and how to ELIMINATE it permanently
plus The surprising telltale sign that you are losing sexual energy through sex
plus Putting “she comes first” into practice
plus Learn 5000-year-old ancient techniques to harness your creative, orgasmic energy and use it as a power source
plus Learn Taoist and Tantra sexual techniques for expanded + full-body orgasms
plus Master the secret techniques few people know about to “transmute” sexual energy to increase your bank balance.
plus Communication techniques to keep your woman open and receptive to you and to make her feel heard
plus Techniques to keep her simmering with arousal in-between sex
plus How to make time for sex and manage work and play. Hint: Work hard, play harder!

Salon released: September 26th
Q+A call: October 1st, 1pm


For the Love of Cock. Erections and direction. Genital confidence and power. Owning your sexuality and genitals in life and in bed.
plus How to attain bigger, stronger and longer-lasting erections
plus Learn proven methods to increase genital size. Yes. You can.
plus Clear blocks and heal past trauma standing in the way of your full sexual power
plus How to own and inhabit your genitals for maximum sexual pleasure: yours and hers
plus Techniques to connect the genitals and heart
plus Size matters: how to navigate the ins and outs of what you’ve got
plus Owning the beauty and strength of your male body
plus Learn Taoist practices to strengthen the prostate gland
plus The surprising connection between your libido, your vocation and your cash flow

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Salon released: October 3rd
Q+A call: October 8th, 5am

You’ll be given your “challenge” assignment during the course!

Q+A call:
October 15th, 5pm


Polarity: Embracing Your Dark Side. How to generate lifelong sexual chemistry. My yin loves your yang. Keeping sexual chemistry hot. Natural laws of attraction.
plus Step-by-step instructions to regain the masculine strength she desperately wants you to live from
plus Learn how to be able to take your woman anytime, anywhere and have her love it
plus How to gracefully introduce fantasy play in bed to explode passion
plus The secret to keeping your woman open and available to you
plus How to break out of being “buddies” and bring back the guttural passion with your partner
plus Learn the three sex acts which will boost your business!
plus Master the art of becoming more seductive and irresistible to women
plus How to use fantasy to exaggerate polarity and enter into the realm of sizzling 50 Shades of Grey play
plus Unleash the power of taboo and use risque sex acts to deepen your connection

Salon released: October 17th
Q+A call: October 22nd, 1pm


Orgasmapedia. The ultimate guide to female orgasms for men. What, where, why and how. She comes in twos, threes, fours and more
plus The fundamental differences between clitoral orgasms and deeper, vaginal orgasms
plus Why most women don’t achieve powerful, internal orgasms and how you can get her there
plus How both of you can channel orgasmic and creative energy into everyday life
plus How to shift her orgasms from “genital sneezes” to life-changing experiences
plus Techniques to for her to orgasm through intercourse and oral sex
plus Sexual reflexology: your map to her pleasure zones
plus Secrets of female ejaculation

Salon released: October 24th
Q+A call: October 29th, 9am

You’ll be given your “challenge” assignment during the course!

Q+A call:
November 5th, 5pm


Opening Your Woman and Keeping Her Open. Tools of the trade
plus The biggest secret to helping women lose control
plus Learn daily practices to open her and keep her open
plus The one thing you can never do too much of
plus How to help her overcome her body-image issues
plus Learn the one key thing that will consistently deflect her chaotic moods
plus How to ask for “space and “man cave” time in a way that she is keen to give it to you
plus The absolute hottest quality you can cultivate which is irresistible to your woman
plus Learn the surefire way to initiate sex and have her be receptive to you
plus The biggest mistake men make with women and how to turn it around in seconds
plus Master the art of talking and f**king

Salon released: November 7th
Q+A call: November 12th, 1pm
Kim Anami wearing sheer blue top and lacy black underwear

Being sexually masterful empowers every part of your life.
Can’t wait another second to be sexually masterful?
Register Now
These things have totally changed the lives of thousands of men (and women) I’ve worked with.
Your Masterful Investment
Keys to Unlocking Male Sexual Energy:

You receive gorgeous HD videos, downloadable audio, transcripts and “homeplay” in which I share the knowledge and wisdom I have accumulated in 25 years of study.
Each of these salons individually would run at a cost of $547 – per person. $2982 value.
Weekly Support from Me:

Ask me questions during our Q+A calls. Weekly Coaching with Kim $4000 value.

G-Spot Ecstasy Digital Salon — $247 value

Multi-Orgasmic Bonus Series — $1385 value
Total Value: $8367

Since it’s my life’s work to bring the beauty and joy of sexual fulfillment to as many men as possible, I’m not asking anywhere near that for this program.

I’ll tell you exactly what your investment is in just a moment, but first, let’s hear from some sexually masterful men.

Like Casper “Tarzan” Van Dien. Casper oozes sexuality, confidence and adores his wife, Catherine. You’ll see just how much in the video.

I’ll let him speak for himself.

“Our sex life rocks!” ~ Casper

“We’re having sex three times as often and feeling more loving and less stressed about sex in general. Amazeballs. Taking the salon is like having a sex ninja at your service.

Listening to Kim is like reading 14 books, 3 how-to manuals, and the entire Shades of Gray trilogy.“

— Kristen Kalp, Brand Strategist. Texas.

“I have gone from a pre-mature ejaculator—penetrating and coming—to lasting over an hour some nights.

Literally making her scream when she comes.”

— Derek, Yoga Teacher, Hong Kong.
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As seen in

I have devoted my personal and professional life to showing people the true power and pleasure of their intimate relationships.
Now I’m going to show you.
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The Multi-Orgasmic Bonus Series

More tools for your journey. We continue the sex education most men (and women) have never had.

Bonus Salon 1: G-Spot Ecstasy Digital Salon

G-Spot orgasms are deeper, more emotional and amplify our capacity to connect with our partners…and, for that matter, ourselves. In-depth training on female and male G-Spot opening (yes, he has one too!) Value: $247

Bonus Salon 2: Maximize Your Libido and Potency

Regenerative herbs, superfoods and prectices to rev up your sexual power. Strengthen and tonify your system for more stamina in sex and day-to-day life. Value: $297

Bonus Salon 3: Multi-Orgasmic Oral and Manual Techniques for Her

Tried and true favourites for more pleasure, energy and orgasms. Value: $297

Bonus Salon 4: Taoist Sexual Health Techniques and Sexual Strengthening

Learn ancient Taoist secrets to strengthen the erections, the pelvic floor and the prostate gland. Increase and revitalize your sexual power. Value: $297

Bonus Salon 5: Wilder, Darker, Deeper

In our modern, domesticated society, men have lost touch with their primal natures. Tap into your darker, wilder site to increase your potency in work and play. Value: $247

Total Value of the Multi-Orgasmic Bonus Series $1385

Register Now

Your Investment for How to Be a Sexually Masterful Man includes lifetime access to:

plus Six modules with a total of approximately 25-30 videos HD self-study videos

plus Downloadable audio mp3s

plus Transcripts of all the material

plus Weekly Q+A group calls

Plus Bonus Salons:

plus G-Spot Ecstasy Digital Salon (16 videos)

plus Multi-orgasmic bonus series on everything from increasing your libido to G-Spot exploration
The Guarantee

If you absorb and apply this information, I know it will make a difference for you in all aspects of your life.

You have to commit to the process.

This is not something you can pay $1,000- for and magically tap into your sexual self.

If you find that after reading, listening and acting on the techniques in this course, you find no improvement in your sexual outlook and experience, I’ll cheerfully refund your money.

In order to do that, I’ll require your completed homeplay assignments from all of the salons by midnight PST October 20th, 2019. Why? If you do the work, I know you will see change.

That being said, the cultural blocks about free and empowered sexual expression are so strong, that it can take months and years to move through them. It’s important that you prioritize this experience, set aside time daily to focus on it and acknowledge small gains.

The tools you need to shift are all here. You have lifetime access to them, so you can go back and refer to everything multiple times.

Like orgasms, some are bigger and more life-changing than others. Each one represents a breakthrough and an ascension to a higher level.

I’ll see you there.
Kim xxx

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